Cleaning an Artificial Tennis Court

cleaning a tennis court

Tennis courts need regular maintenance to make sure that they stay in pristine condition and are safe to play on. Biofilms such as lichens, moss and algae can make the playing surface unfit for purpose as it is too hazardous to play on. As a result of this it is important that you get your products sorted for your tennis court to make sure that it remains in full working order.

What is the best way to clean a tennis court?

Artificial tennis courts need to be cleaned with care. It is vital that you do not damage the playing surface as this can result in extremely expensive repair costs, so shortcuts should not be taken. Due to this factor, pressure washing should not be used as this can cause high levels of damage to the playing surface, leaving behind “wand scars” especially is the wrong nozzles or pressure has been used.

A safe alternative to pressure washing is to use softwashing chemicals. These products can be easily applied using a low pressure sprayer such as a knapsack. Once applied they can be left on the surface to clean the biofilms that are present. All of the softwashing solutions that we supply at ProGreen do not contain bleach so, when they are applied to the synthetic tennis court’s surface, they will not cause discolourations making this the ideal solution.

Tennis court cleaning solutions

Here at ProGreen, we offer a wide range of products that would be ideal for cleaning artificial sports playing surfaces such as tennis courts. Products such as AlgoClear Pro will help to clean areas of algae, lichen and other biofilms that can cause the area to become hazardous while also helping to keep the area clear for a period of time.

Here are some of the solutions we have to offer:

Product Name Contains Pack Size Coverage
AlgoClear Pro 40% w/w DDAC (quarternary ammonium chloride) Available in 5L or 10L 10,25m2 (5L), 2050m2 (10L)
AlgoClear (Non-professional use) 9.6% w/w DDAC (quarternary ammonium chloride) 5L 325m2
Mac Hi Power 40% w/w DDAC (quarternary ammonium chloride) 1L, 5L or 200L 205m2 (1L), 1,025m2 (5L), 41,000m2 (200L)
Ranger DDAC, organic acids, surfactants 5L 1,000m2

Standard tennis court size (including run off) = 703m2

What is the best equipment to use?

We would recommend the products in our Softwash Starter Kit to apply the softwashing products. This bundle contains handy pieces of equipment such as a 6m extension hose which will make it easy to apply softwashing solutions to the whole tennis court with ease and little carrying of a sprayer. This bundle includes:

  • 1 x 20L Matabi LTCS electric knapsack
  • 1 x 6m hose for extended reach (making it much easier to move around the tennis court without having to lift the sprayer too much)
  • 1 x 5.4m telescopic extension lance
  • 1 x grey Evenspray nozzle for high output

Explore our full range of softwashing equipment here